If were to take a deep look inside my figurative heart, I think there would probably be 4 levels. Like a hotel, if you will. On the top floor, there would be things that I absolutely love. Things like, 90's dress styles, sleeping, shorts, new socks, and Alf. The second floor would be things that i kinda like. Things like, Desserts, jewelry, having a made bed, and fast food. The bottom floor would be things that i generally dislike. Things like Stop lights, people who ride bikes in the road, sports I'm not familiar with, the radio, and traffic. The bottom floor with all the rats and furnaces and all other manner of tom foolery, would be things i hate with the deepest, blackest parts of my soul. Things like, the Los Angeles Lakers, when my socks get wet, women's logic, stupidity, getting ditched, and being told what to do. If you were to gather together people as a whole, there is no doubt in my mind, they would be buried between the third and bottom levels somewhere. Everybody sucks. Let me tell you why, rather than just state it. I don't really have "weekends" I work from 9-5 every Saturday, and i work from 1-6 every Friday. In a sense, my weekend lies between the hours of 6 Friday night, to 8 when I wake up Saturday morning. These hours are valued by someone like me, who wants to cram a weekend into 12 hours. So, I have a lot of plans on Friday nights, in hopes that I can have something good happen to me. But, why would I even hope for that? I don't know either, because you and I both know that nothing good happens to me. Let's say that someone who doesn't normally hang out with the crowd I do, and wishes to not at all associate with the crowd I do, wants to hang out Friday. So, what do I do? Be a nice guy, ditch my friends, and clear my calendar. I make sure that I have no prior commitments and completely devote my weekend to this person. Do you think that we actually did something? No. I ended up at my sisters house watching Monster House with my nephews. Because my nephews never ditch me. As much as it hurts to say, I think I'm one of the only people left who actually follow through on things. When I get invited to things, I actually go. Weird right? I don't find it necessary to play the whole "hard to get" card. Because truth be told, you shouldn't play hard to get if you're hard to want. I don't know how it works, to be honest. I don't understand the logic behind getting someone to like you by not showing up to their functions, and being mean to them. *cough* women's logic. In either case, if you say you're going to do something, do it. Unless your grandma died. Which isn't even that hard to function through. I did it. 2000 miles away from her. You ingrates. You know what else makes me mad? When people talk behind someone else's back. Which I am totally guilty of. And I at least fess up to it. If you think someones house is gross and dirty, maybe you should tell them that it's gross, rather than go tell your friends that their house is disgusting and you wont be going back anytime soon. Unless it was the first day they moved in, and haven't got all their bags unpacked. You arrogant jerk. I still stick to my motto, Snitches get stitches, talkers get walkers. Then we shoot people, steal stuff, and throw gang signs around. I've come to a basic conclusion, that we shouldn't deal with people like this. When it's Jake's America, talkers really will get walkers, and snitches really will get stitches. Then we will blind fold them, spin them around alot, and send them to an island of other talkers and snitches where they are exiled for life. I don't want to talk to or deal with people like that. Considering that its my country, I'll do with them as I please. In more ways than one, I have lost any faith I once had in humanity. I know there was a time in my life that when some sort of calamity happened, I would use my king hood, or other superpower to save mankind. I feel like now that I am older and have seen what i have seen, I would probably just watch it burn. Deep from within my securely locked safe-haven that's buried far under the earths visible surface. I guess the watching would then be metaphorical. But, I would save a few people. Dirk Nowitski, the cast of Saved By The Bell, Claudio Sanchez, and other loved ones. A very select few. Eat my shorts.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Moral Issues With Facebook From a Man Without Facebook Morals
Lets face it, when it comes down to it, I'm about as unmoral as anyone. Laying aside murderers and other convicted felons, of course. I can't honestly post something like this and not acknowledge such a fact. However, I look around at the world that has fallen at my feet, and feel like I might be in the top 10% of moral holders left on God's green earth. I don't think that's because i'm a good person. Because, to be honest, i'm not a good person. More people are at the expense of my jokes and laughter than i care to mention. In any case, I think that it might be my intellect and natural ability to not be stupid that makes me morally sound. There are so many things that i look around me and vehemently despise, that its hard to categorize them all into one entity. I actually think I hate more things in life than I like. Sad, true, sorry, I'm really not sorry. I'll start at the top.

Facebook. Not only is it the root of all evil, it's also the root of all evil. I feel like my life might be better without Facebook, but i really don't want to imagine such a world. It's like a heroin addict. What would his life be without heroin? Don't know, don't care. I would say I have spent exponentially more time on Facebook than I have ever spent actually doing homework for a class. I give respect to those who try to give up Facebook while they're in school. Even if it only lasts less than an hour. Facebook is such a bottomless pit of time wasting. I can say that I am really glad that we got over the whole Farmville and other games stage. That sucked eggs. Now i can use Facebook for what it's meant for without having stupid requests show up for games, stalking people, that is. Remember when you used to be scared of stalkers? When a car was parked in front of our house for longer than 30 seconds my older sister would instantly accuse them of being stalkers. I was on phone duty and would dial up 911 in a heartbeat if that stalker guy made any sudden moves. Now, you can stalk anyone you meet ever, and don't have to park in front of their house anymore. I feel like that is one of the worlds biggest moral issues today. We spend more time worrying about what everyone else is doing, rather than worrying about if dinner is burning or not. I have totally fallen into this trap. I can say with pride that I have spent longer than 2 hours looking at crushes i had in high school, and ex girlfriends pictures on Facebook while simultaneously neglecting anything else going on in the world. Like the nephew i was watching put his hand on the fireplace, and crying loudly. You want to know why I check Facebook? To see if anyone else thought the funny crap i posted was funny. I try to do minimal time stalking anyone. As odd as that sounds. What else is Facebook good for? A question I don't have an answer for. Wasting time on it isn't the only moral value at stake. Vanity. If i could punch everyone who has ever posted a duck face picture for real, i totally would. People love themselves, and want everyone else to love them too. So much so, that people will go to the extent of "liking" their own status', and pictures on Facebook. What is wrong with you? We know you "like" it or you wouldn't have put it on the internet. Unless you're just outright retarded, that is. The stupidity goes far and above that. From people tagging themselves in the pictures that THEY post, all the way down to liking the comments they make on someone else's status. I'm positive that people would post on their own wall if it were possible. "Heyyyy cutie! love your picture you look super sexy, and you post the funniest things everrrrrr! love you so much! Love me :)" I can see it now...It's disgraceful. The next time you think you have said something funny, or think you look good in a picture, make sure that you just keep it on the inside. Wait for other people to like it first, and relish in their approval. While your opinion is the only thing that matters, you look really conceded if you are the only one who likes your things. You look 116% more stupid if you are the only one who liked or commented on your stuff than if nobody said anything. I would be much more likely to give you a pity "like" if nobody else did, than if you liked it yourself. You self centered whore. I wish everyone were as smart as me is all. Common sense should be a lot more common.
Facebook. Not only is it the root of all evil, it's also the root of all evil. I feel like my life might be better without Facebook, but i really don't want to imagine such a world. It's like a heroin addict. What would his life be without heroin? Don't know, don't care. I would say I have spent exponentially more time on Facebook than I have ever spent actually doing homework for a class. I give respect to those who try to give up Facebook while they're in school. Even if it only lasts less than an hour. Facebook is such a bottomless pit of time wasting. I can say that I am really glad that we got over the whole Farmville and other games stage. That sucked eggs. Now i can use Facebook for what it's meant for without having stupid requests show up for games, stalking people, that is. Remember when you used to be scared of stalkers? When a car was parked in front of our house for longer than 30 seconds my older sister would instantly accuse them of being stalkers. I was on phone duty and would dial up 911 in a heartbeat if that stalker guy made any sudden moves. Now, you can stalk anyone you meet ever, and don't have to park in front of their house anymore. I feel like that is one of the worlds biggest moral issues today. We spend more time worrying about what everyone else is doing, rather than worrying about if dinner is burning or not. I have totally fallen into this trap. I can say with pride that I have spent longer than 2 hours looking at crushes i had in high school, and ex girlfriends pictures on Facebook while simultaneously neglecting anything else going on in the world. Like the nephew i was watching put his hand on the fireplace, and crying loudly. You want to know why I check Facebook? To see if anyone else thought the funny crap i posted was funny. I try to do minimal time stalking anyone. As odd as that sounds. What else is Facebook good for? A question I don't have an answer for. Wasting time on it isn't the only moral value at stake. Vanity. If i could punch everyone who has ever posted a duck face picture for real, i totally would. People love themselves, and want everyone else to love them too. So much so, that people will go to the extent of "liking" their own status', and pictures on Facebook. What is wrong with you? We know you "like" it or you wouldn't have put it on the internet. Unless you're just outright retarded, that is. The stupidity goes far and above that. From people tagging themselves in the pictures that THEY post, all the way down to liking the comments they make on someone else's status. I'm positive that people would post on their own wall if it were possible. "Heyyyy cutie! love your picture you look super sexy, and you post the funniest things everrrrrr! love you so much! Love me :)" I can see it now...It's disgraceful. The next time you think you have said something funny, or think you look good in a picture, make sure that you just keep it on the inside. Wait for other people to like it first, and relish in their approval. While your opinion is the only thing that matters, you look really conceded if you are the only one who likes your things. You look 116% more stupid if you are the only one who liked or commented on your stuff than if nobody said anything. I would be much more likely to give you a pity "like" if nobody else did, than if you liked it yourself. You self centered whore. I wish everyone were as smart as me is all. Common sense should be a lot more common.
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