I understand the concept of getting consumed in things; more-especially people. Sometimes things don't work out the way you wanted them to. Sometimes you push for things that probably won't work out, and the other person allows it out of either selfishness or lack of confidence to tell you so. So, you work and work and work, continually dumping coins into a wishing well; always hoping, vain hope. Then, when things disintegrate, you do too. And that person, or action, or lack of either swallows you whole. I totally get that.
In perhaps maybe a less intelligent world of males, we call this the Great White Buffalo. As it was explained to me, a GWB is the one thing that got away from you. Maybe something you never got closure on. Maybe someone gave you an opening and you missed the mark. Maybe something ended in a flash and you we're prepared for it. In any case, your GWB was the one that got away. The huge buffalo that is taunting you on the horizon of tomorrow, always out of reach.
I have a few GWB stories, in fact, I think everyone does. I have a few examples of GWB's, from real life people, which will remain anonymous. All the names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved; you know who you are. Consider this an unofficial shout out from the King. (If your story is inaccurate, I'm sorry. It's been a while since we have talked about it.)
The first is perhaps my favorite story in existence.
So, Louis was always good at math. When signing up for classes, he noticed a beautiful young girl also signing up for a more advanced math. He walked over and signed up for the same math class. He never really had the courage to address her in class, and they never talked. All year.
Fast forward two years. His senior year he walks in to his assigned math class and who is there? The Great White Buffalo herself. He decided that he would actually make an effort to talk to her and get to know her. So, he did that. They became fairly familiar with one another. Eventually graduation day rolls around. Louis is having a party at his grandparents cabin that night in celebration. He decides to invite the girl he has been dreaming of for so long now. She agrees. We will fast forward slightly through everyone at the party getting intoxicated outside of Louis and this girl. The night wages on, and the sun is about to come up. They decide they want to watch the sunrise together, outside. So, there under a blanket, wrapped in each others arms is the best love story to ever unfold. However, Louis is having a complex the entire time of when to kiss this girl. He was well aware that timing needs to be better than perfect. So, he decides he wants to kiss her out there on the deck, watching the sunrise. Conditions were perfect. But when? So, after a few hours of being out on the deck, the GWB decides she wants to go inside. So, as they approach the door, he gives her a peck on the cheek. She slows her walk to a stop, but continues inside. He kicks himself in the ass all night wondering what went wrong. A feeling we are all familiar with.
Fast forward through a few dates. They decide to get breakfast one morning after several failed attempts to kiss her further. She was leaving on a trip, or something and this would be their last encounter for a time. Louis decides that conditions are perfect. So, after some pancakes he walks her to her car. They hug. As he leans in to kiss her, she stone walls him.
So, he goes home empty handed. After some thought he decides to text her and ask why she won't kiss him. Her response was: "I wanted you to kiss me that night at the cabin."
"I tried; I kissed you on the cheek when we were walking inside." Says he.
"Oh, I thought you ran into me." Was her final response.
I wish I could, but I can't make that shit up. True story, top to bottom.
The other one, is a little less comedic, and a bit more sad/stupid.
So, Gerald's grandma hooks him up with a cute nurse. She gives her his number, and they begin the early/worst stages of dating. They talked a lot. It seemed like every waking hour they were texting. Texting eventually lead to phone calls. Phone calls lead to face times. Face Times then lead to a couple of dates. Even though things weren't taking a turn for the serious, they were getting along peachy. Plus, Gerald couldn't quite commit, he was still hung up on his last mistake of a girlfriend.
This girl decides she wants to go on an LDS mission. So, she goes through all the stages of that, and they continue to talk.
She leaves on her mission, and he continues to write her. Fairly religiously if I am not mistaken. So, she is about ready to return from her mission and he gets an email that says the following:
"I have been hesitant to write you this. But I have to ask you to stop writing me. I have a serious boyfriend and I don't feel right still receiving emails from you. Thank you for all your support."
And that was it. That was everything. Even after toeing the line between friendship and being in a horribly serious relationship for almost 2 years. I guess she picked up a Chilean escort of some type on her mission. Who gives a shit about the rules anyway, Eh?
Stupidity is not gender specific; but damn girls can be dumb.
I was going to tell my friend Sam Bishop's GWB story, but it's rendered useless since he married his GWB. You dog. Still much love for you, my man.
Oh, you want to know my GWB story? Shit. That's the story of my life. Always chasing my tail, and running around in circles. Always wanting what I can't have, and what I know I will regret. I have a plenty of stories to tell about those things I wish I didn't do. Things I wish I would've gotten. Things that blew up in my face, and plenty of missed opportunities. I could talk all day about that. But hell, I wouldn't want to spoil the ending.