I guess I just fantasize about how nice it would be to have the master of the Universe being toted around in myJansport backpack to be pulled out whenever you need an answer. I would never go wrong again and my life would be a dream. I would win a lot of money gambling, I'm sure.
I guess I just had this dream because it relates to my faith on a stupidly personal level. In regards to my own personal faith in religion, I really have had periods in my life where I viewed it as a Magic 8 Ball. I would have a concern or question and I would say a quick prayer that I would have the answer, in essence shaking the Magic 8 Ball. As I think about this I realize that I was probably asking the devil inside the Magic 8 Ball for guidance. There have been a fair amount of things I thought were good and right and they turned out to not be either of those things. In retrospect, billiards seems more like the devils game anyway.
In the current climate of the world, I think it's become easier than ever to look away from our faith and rely on ourselves. I don't even want to lend specifically to faith in religion. I have seen people lose faith in everything. Which is really what makes the world livable. If you have faith that if you pay it forward it'll benefit someone, faith that karma will play her part, faith that circumstances can change and that PEOPLE can change. There are so many things to be hopeful about, and yet it's become so easy to be a skeptic. Which is a huge bummer.
My goal with saying all of this is that if you're struggling with faith in religion or just hope that things will get better, hang in there. There is always something on the horizon that you least expect. What you need will find you if you are willing to work for it. I'm not good at inspiration, but I wanted to take a break from my constant complaining and hopefully offer a little hope. Cause I've been there. I've been down roads that I thought would surely lead me to my all-deserving hell. Don't let Donald Trump win and ruin your outlook on life. Things will get better.
If nothing else, keep shaking that 8 ball. Maybe God will shine through. Don't shake it too hard though, you'll create bubbles and wont see your answer.