Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 albums I listened to a lot.

Okay, so here we go again. This year was odd in a lot of ways, and most people would argue that it was a terrible year. Luckily for us, good music is still being put out. I'll publish this with a similar layout that I have in years prior, I'll just post the album, the artwork, and the few songs I find most enjoyable. This year I am way too lazy to post links and all of that. It was too much effort and I doubt anyone cares that much. PSA, I listened to a lot of hardcore music this year. Take me to court.

First, here is a list of albums I listened to a lot this year that I think deserve attention because they're good as h*ck, but they weren't released this year.
- Microwave - Much Love
- Harms Way - Rust
- Every Time I Die - Gutter Phenomenon
- Every Time I Die - Hot Damn!
- Every Time I Die - The Big Dirty
- Bent Life - Never Asked For Heaven
(The ETID ones are probably obvious, but it's true all the same)

I also wanted to add a list of honorable mention albums that are in no particular order, because I enjoyed these albums, and think they deserve mention

Forced Order - One Last Prayer
Image result for forced order one last prayer

Iron & Wine - Beast Epic
Image result for beast epic

The Contortionist - Clairvoyant
Image result for the contortionist clairvoyant album cover

Trapped Under Ice - Heatwave
Image result for trapped under ice heatwave

Varials - Pain Again
Image result for varials pain again

Full Of Hell - Trumpeting Ecstasy
Image result for full of hell trumpeting

Okay, Here's the list. I kept it short.

END - From The Unforgiving Arms Of God
Image result for from the unforgiving arms of god

Check out: Necessary Death

The singer of Counterparts has teamed up with some other members to make a hardcore/metal band that is brutal as h*ck. I enjoyed this album very much, but having only 6 songs left me wanting more. And I hate being left wanting more.

Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
Image result for nightmare logic

Check out: Executioner's Tax (Swing Of The Axe)

The blend of 80's nostalgia with metal is truly a work of art here. If you like music that is loud as hell, but also are a fan of 80's horror, this album speaks your language. Take a trip to riff city with Power Trip.

John Moreland - Big Bad Luv
Image result for big bad luv

Check out: Ain't We Gold, It Don't Suit Me (Like Before)

I have been a John Moreland believer for a while. He is a truly unparalleled songwriter. This album has some serious heart. If you like country music that isn't total dog shit pop music that is forced down your throat by media/ the radio, this album is one you cannot miss. John Moreland will make you feel and understand things.

Turnover - Good Nature
Image result for Turnover Good nature

Check Out: Bonnie (Rhythm & Melody)

To be totally fair, I was probably more excited for this release than any other. The album is pretty good, but not a lot stuck with me. However, I have listened to/enjoyed Bonnie (Rhythm &Melody) more than any other single this year. That song is absolutely infectious and wonderful. I suggest it with the highest fervor.

Stolas - Stolas
Image result for stolas self titled
Check out: Bellwether

I swore after the albums release that it would be my #1 album, I enjoyed it that much. The lead single for this (Aforementioned) was so riveting when I first heard it, I preordered the album with my birthday money. I don't regret it at all because the album is still wonderful, I just haven't returned to it as often as other albums. I still suggest it highly, the album is great cover to cover.

Colter Wall - Colter Wall
Related image

Check out: Thirteen Silver Dollars, Kate McCannon

I know it's strange to have such a polar opposite in terms of music to (almost) everything else on my list, and have it ranked so highly. But this album couples great song writing with a unique voice. This will be a hit with all Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash and Hank Williams fans. Absolutely great album, and makes you think that country music isn't the complete horrific infected scab that the radio wants to you believe it is.

Eidola - To Speak, To Listen
Image result for to speak to listen

Check out: Loti, Tetelestai

Do I love these boys because they're from SLC? yes. Is that the reason they made my list? no. There is a whole bunch of concept that are behind their prior 2 albums that I haven't even begun to try and understand, but I don't need to do that to enjoy the great songwriting here. I suggest this for people who want to listen to something that makes you think. Plus, who has a better voice than this guy?

Counterparts - You're Not You Anymore
Image result for youre not you anymore

Check out: No Servant Of Mine, Fragile Limbs

This album shows a lot of growth within this band, and I think that is why it has stuck for me. I was beyond excited for this album because I have been a pretty devout fan for a while now. The lead singles are some of the best songs released this year (in fact, I knew their singles by heart before the album even dropped. oops.) I think the only reason this album didn't rank as high for me was because it was announced in early summer and released in late august. It just wasn't as exciting when my preorder showed up. I still suggest this album to any and all heavy music fans. It's good ghost hunting music.

Backtrack - Bad To My World
Image result for Bad to my world

Check out: Cold Blooded, Gutted

Okay, I know I spent most of my life saying I would never become a hardcore fan. But honestly, Backtrack has become one of my favorite bands. This albums delivers the kind of gumption you might need to do things like call out a family member at a party, quit your dead end job, or clean your room. The fast pace of this album is unrelenting and the hollering of relatable lyrics is perfect. I couldn't suggest this more to any budding HXC fan.

Circa Survive - The Amulet
Image result for circa survive the amulet

Check Out: Premonition Of The Hex, The Amulet

Anyone who has known me for the past 10 years is not at all surprised seeing Circa on my list. I have been fascinated by these bad boys since high school. The Amulet is the kind of album that feels like getting in your own bed after vacation for me. It's familiar and different at the same time. Anthony Green's work continues to shine without feeling overdone here. If you like rock and roll or alternative music, The Amulet is for you.

Citizen - As You Please
Image result for as you please

Check out: Ugly Luck, Jet

I was never really a Citizen believer until I saw them in concert. They played well, but I felt their passion when I saw them. I since have been a big fan. My wife and I have been excited for this album for a while now. Their first single, Jet, is catchy as h*ck and feels like it was raised by rock and roll. Front to back this album is good. Nothing like some home grown rock and roll to cure what ails you.

Sufferer - Sufferer
Image result for sufferer self titled

Check out: Pacifier, Sword

This band is a "super group" made from band members of A Lot Like Birds, I The Mighty, and Hail The Sun, so I have been excited about this project for a number of years. This album is a concept album that is written with varying voices of someone who has mental health issues. One voice represents the patient, one represents anxiety, one represents depression. This album is interesting from the stance of someone who hasn't ever suffered from mental health issues, and made me far more compassionate to those who do. Not only is it raising awareness, but they donate a portion of their earnings to further mental health research. Which is absolutely amazing. It also helps that the music kicks total ass. It's heavy and a little panicked, but harmonious. The rise and falls of this album is wonderful. I suggest it to everyone; it will help open your eyes to issues you wont hear about in usual walks of life.

Kublai Khan - Nomad
Image result for kublai khan nomad

Check Out: Belligerent, True Fear

I listened to Kublai Khan's last album a fair amount a couple of years ago, and then they fell of my radar. When they signed to Rise Records and released their single The Hammer, I knew that I was going to be hooked. Their blend of metal and hardcore is unique, and their lyricism penning current events is both interesting and touching. I have not listened to this album at a quiet volume, and I never will.

Code Orange - Forever
Image result for code orange forever

Check Out: Forever,  The Mud

I don't think there is much I can say about this album that Rolling Stone, their Grammy nomination, and pretty much every magazine on earth hasn't said already. I preordered this album last year, and have been listening to it since it's release in January. They have been pushing the limits of hardcore, metal, whatever, and this is pinnacle. There is not many greater albums that have ever been released than this one.

Incendiary - Thousand Mile Stare
Image result for incendiary thousand mile stare

Check out: Hanging From The Family Tree, Poison

I think there is few albums released that are this pertinent to current political climates, but also kicks ass. I got into the Incendiary game late, but I am a full fledged player now. This album is unrelenting from start to finish. I have played this album into the ground, and I am still not tired of it. Highly suggested for anyone who likes hardcore and has been living under a rock. There has been no doubt in my mind that this was my #1 album since it's drops. Thousand Mile Stare is bullet proof.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Keep Pagans in Christmas

This is my first attempt at blogging from my phone. Is it working? Can you read me loud and clear? Is this thing on? 

Anyway, greetings from planet earth. I say that because I catch a small notion that most of you, and sometimes I, aren’t actually on this planet. Additionally, I feel as though I’m so far away from everyone I know, that I may as well be on another planet. Which isn’t the worst thing. Although I had no aspirations to be an astronaut, I did always wonder what food served in toothpaste tubes was like. I always imagined wheat bread was in paste form; because somehow I imagined that wheat bread could get worse. Wheat bread is for cheats and liars, if you’re going to eat carbs, at least make it taste good. Wheat bread is what they serve in hell along with a Coke Zero.

Anyway, as anyone with a calendar or phone knows, the holidays are upon us, which makes me the most spritely person alive. I went to Target on Black Friday, which was actually Thursday, not even to buy anything, I just wanted to be there to witness when/if someone was trampled. It didn’t happen which is good for the prospective trampled, but bad for me, hoping to break up my boredom. The good news is, I did see some lady’s foot get ran over by a cart and the captain of the cart didn’t stop, or apologize, they carried on as if nothing had happened. Witnessing this really put me in the holiday spirit. Nothing like a good bruised foot sacrificed to save $10 on a lego set to really ring in the holidays.

This year I’m actually excited for Christmas. Not because of the usual bullshit about presents, but because I’ll be able to see my wife. She and I were talking the other day about Christmas music and our disdain for it. While she is not even close to the grinch that I am, she doesn’t like Christmas music at all. She doesn’t know her reasoning for disliking it, but I can think of a few. How many damn variations of the same freaking song can you hear before you’ve had enough? I mean, sure the Dixie Chicks version of Dashing Through The Snow was a little different than Bing Crosby’s, but it’s the same damn words being sung. How many times can someone say the same phrase over and over, but differently before you feed them antifreeze? (Not very many at my house)

The one thing I do like about Christmas music is how sometimes they’ll put footage of people fighting doing Christmas shopping or whatever to the calm Christmas music. That’s the kind of low brow shit I like.

Anyway, the point of all this was that I had a epiphany today that made me feel very stupid. For whatever reason I was thinking about the Santa Clause fable. And I was thinking about the first time I figured out that Santa Clause (I guess technically the Easter Bunny) wasn’t a real thing.

I don’t remember how old I was, I would guess 6 or 7, and I was playing hide and seek with my brother outside. It was around Easter time and we had a fairly big yard. I was looking for that moron for what seemed like forever. I finally had the idea that that dope may be hiding in our motor home in the back yard. So I ran out there and threw open the door and stumbled on all our Easter gifts. I knew they were Easter gifts because there was church clothes in there and we always got church clothes for Easter. The other thing I remember seeing was Super Soaker squirt guns. I don’t know why I remember the squirt guns, but that vision is burned into my memory. I hurried and shut the door and ran inside. I remember telling my older sister that I found our presents and the Easter bunny wasn’t real and she replied “duh.” So that was stifling to the pride that I had unearthed the truth about the world for the first time in my life. I remember putting all the pieces together and thinking; “well if the Easter bunny isn’t real then Santa mustn’t be real. And is santa isn’t real then the tooth fairy mustn’t be real..” and so on, and so forth. But I never, And still am not able to understand how my parents swiped my fallen teeth from underneath the pillow which I was sleeping on and replaced it with $2 without waking me up. Or my brother up because that dweeb and I shared a room almost my whole life.

So as I was recollecting this story I made a realization about why santa wants you to be good, aside from the obvious. I mean, if your parents are santa then they get the ultimate say in what you get and what you don’t. They also get the say because it’s their money, your stupid ass didn’t work forty hours a week to deserve the new Weird Al cd, so it’s not up to you. But also because the parents can look at your track record that year and think “well... he was a real piece of shit this year. Let’s get him a basketball and spend the rest of the money on us.” Or whatever the narrative might be. I guess this also gets transferred over to husbands and wives. I’m sure my wife is well aware of how good I’ve been this year. Hopefully she just hasn’t written it all down.

Besides, Christmas is a great opportunity to teach kids a great life lesson called “there’s always next year.”
If they didn’t get what they wanted you can say “there’s always next year.” Which is a common used phrase in adulthood.
“Did you lose any weight this year?”
“Eh. There’s always next year.”
“Did you pay off your credit card this year?”
“Eh. There’s always next year?”
“Did you get that raise you deserved at work?”
“Eh. There’s always next year.”
“Did your wife let you watch the X Games?”
“Eh. There’s always next year.”
“Did you finally get that thing removed?”
“Eh. There’s always next year.”

I hope everyone is spending this holiday season bullying their loved ones into buying you shit you don’t need, and spreading joy everywhere they go. Just don’t try and spread it around my neighborhood. We’re all set on Christmas cheer.

P.S. writing this got ‘Santa Clause Is Coming To Town’ stuck in my head. I’m getting in the shower to try and rinse it out.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trophy Fish

There's a scene in my very favorite movie The Big Lebowski where Jeff Bridges is sitting at a bar at a bowling alley, sulking, he says: "My only hope is that the Big Lebowski kills me before the Germans cut my dick off." It's a very funny scene and it's strangely relatable to my current weather as a sports fan. While no, I'm not hoping someone cuts my dick off, but I do like the sullen tone here. To put it in sports terms for me: "My only hope is that the Dodgers lose in the first round of the playoffs before the Broncos have opportunity to upset me again." Yes, it's a poor year to be a San Francisco Giants fan, but at least no one is accusing me of being a 'bandwagon bitch' as I was called before. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

I started thinking about writing a blog about football and baseball and how I am still going to watch them, because this is a nice segway. But rather than start more arguments about shit I honestly could not care less about, I have a different direction that's a different kind of sport we can all agree about, that doesn't touch nerves for nationalists OR anarchists. So please, save your sharp toothed comments for another post where the author gives a damn about your opinion.

I recently got into fishing. Not like stand on the shore kind of fishing because that sucks. I like the kind of fishing where you are in a boat. Part of that is because when you are in a boat, it's definitely a higher status than the poors who are stuck casting off the shore. I think I took to fishing because I like the idea of tricking a dumb ass fish into thinking he is going to get a nice meal, but instead he is being hauled to his imminent death. Well, if he is big enough. I realize that this sentence has caused PETA sympathizers to light their vegan torches.* But truthfully, I don't really care. As far as being a vegetarian goes, I think fish should be included in their diet. It's basically a vegetable and is really not that filling. Which is what being a vegetarian is, right? You're just hungry all the time?

I was thinking about how much that would suck to be a fish. There you are, minding your own business, heading to work at the car dealership, you stop to grab a bite to eat for breakfast and BAM! before you know it you are being hurled to the sky. Your hat and suit and cane all fall off and before you know it you are naked and pulled past the surface where some man is sitting in a boat with a pole you are hooked to. He talked about how fat you are and then throws you in a cooler where you slowly suffocate.

This paragraph would normally make me sad, but I know enough to know that fish don't really have a brain or pain receptors. Their memory is like one minute length. They literally can't remember things long enough to even hold a full time job. That part about the car dealership I totally made up. That's what makes me a great story teller.

I was thinking about how easily I would be caught if there was someone fishing for people. Can you imagine? I mean the reality of fishing is that you are trying to trick the fish into thinking that whatever it is they eat, is on the end of the line. So they then eat it. Do you realize how easy it would be for someone to fish for people? In a lot of ways, they already do. They tell you that caller #10 on the radio will win you tickets, and just like a fish to bait you call every time. They have amusement parks where you have to wait in crowds for hours at a time and like a fish to bait, you do that too. People are trying to trick you every day of your life, so I commend you for making it this far. Even if it was by accident.

There was a time in my life where we would tape a one dollar bill to the end of a fishing line of an ice fishing pole, and we would drop the dollar bill in front of the door at the local Ephraim Wal-Mart. We would watch from our car, and when people would pass we would reel it in slowly and people would chase it. It was really funny. One time we reeled it all the way into the car and the lady chasing it came up to us and said "My dollar bill just flew in your window." I can't make this up. So that's a form of people fishing I have done.

Aside from that though, all you would have to do is put a steak on a plate and put it at my dinner table, and I would without question eat it. Or ribs, or a hamburger, or a bowl of pasta, or some crappy Chinese food, or some leftover pizza, or a fruit roll up, or some cereal, or a half eaten burrito, or a TV dinner, or... you get the idea. I would be easy to catch if the idea was to imitate food I would eat. And then I would be racing towards the sky with a hook in my mouth. I do wonder what the people on the other side of the water look like. I also like to think that I would not only be large enough to keep, but hopefully big enough to mount on the wall. Judging by my constituents, I would more than likely wind up on a wall somewhere, but probably only in the garage. I don't imagine some alien being's wife is going to allow someone with a face like mine to be over the fireplace.

All this to say, be careful what you eat, there may be a trap. That's not a metaphor or anything, just goes along with the story. Stay safe out there, especially my fellow fat friends. We are trophy fish to someone.

Hope this made you forget about arguing with your friends and family on facebook for a while and realize that life could be worse. We could totally still be in the food chain and fighting for our lives every single day. But instead, we are at the very top of the food chain, don't you think that's wonderful? We don't have to worry about our family getting eaten by a snake or our eggs stolen while we are out gathering nuts. Well, I guess maybe people in the Amazon have to worry about these things. Maybe I should specify that isn't it nice to live in a first world country? You have everything you could ever want, and you choose to fight with each other about NOTHING. LITERALLY NOTHING. Be thankful you have a roof over your head and have a TV set where you can watch football, or choose not to, who gives a shit? You don't even have to worry about your next meal being a fake and then dying in a cooler where you would eventually become fish tacos. Isn't that fantastic?

"And also, let's not forget -- Let's not forget, Dude -- that keeping wildlife, uh, an amphibious rodent, for uh, you know, domestic, within the city -- That ain't legal either."

"What are you, a F*cking Park Ranger now?" -The Big Lebowski

*Authors note: I saw a video where a lady said if you eat meat, you deserve to die. No seriously, she was listing all kinds of facts I don't care about and trying to make her point that if you aren't vegan you deserve death. If you are that lady and are reading this, I hope your mom knows what an asshole she raised.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Heaven's Entrance Exams

I spend a good portion of my day wondering about heaven. Not necessarily if it's there or if it isn't, but what it would be like. I gave up a while ago on being concerned if heaven is real or not, because thinking about it and questioning it, isn't going to make it more or less real, depending on whatever you believe. I decided a while ago that heaven is real, and maybe that's because I like the idea of hope for something better than this piss poor world that we're in, or maybe it's the idea that my 2 or 3 good deeds will pay off one day, whatever my deep psychological reasoning; I stopped wondering if it exists and started wondering what it would be like.

As a kid I always imagined streets of gold, a place where everything is white and beautiful and nice, a place where your sister didn't scratch your Weird Al CD, and you have a really cool waterbed with fish in it. When I say this out loud I realized that I was kind of a stupid kid. But hey, what can you do? I (Kind of) got more smarter.

When I was in high school I probably imagined heaven as boundless acres of topless women, the floor was edible pizza and the river Jordan was filled with drinkable (Not spoiled) 2% milk, and there is loud music being played all the time, and at every turn a topless woman compliments my strength and masculinity and gives me her name and address as says she's making Shepard's pie and expects me for dinner at 6.

Did high school me just describe most men's fantasy at one point? I mean, aside from the rivers of milk, maybe it's beer or diet coke or whatever. I realize now that high school was a lot of emotions, most of them sexually driven, which led me down some weird paths. So if you're in or around high school age and are reading this, don't worry, it kinda gets better..?

If you asked me how I imagine heaven now, at the ripe old age of 26? A bed that's big enough for my wife and I to coexist and not argue about who is hogging what, for our cars to run on free heaven juice instead of gas and to not break down ever again. I would hope my record collection could be translated into heaven and have a kick ass set-up up there with a quiet room and no neighbors ever knocking on my door saying it's too loud. Mostly I would just like to be able to sleep through the night and go on a date with my wife every once in a while.

So you can kind of draw the line through my growing up patterns, sure. But I think as we get older it prepares us for what heaven probably is. A continuation of this life, in some ways. But without all the noise and people yelling and doing bad things. I would like to imagine that heaven isn't much different, you just subtract all the bad, horrible, evil stuff.

I had an interesting conversation the other day because we were describing what we imagined hell would probably be like. We basically decided that it's you falling through an endless void while Toby Keith gets played over and over and over endlessly, only intermittent every 1,000 years by Shania Twain's Man I Feel Like A Woman. And then you land on a bed of thumbtacks every so often to get a drink, and they only serve Pepsi and Coke Zero, and there's all these snarling demons discussing how Coke Zero tastes exactly like Coke (as if they even remember!)

Anyway, while we were talking about that we got into the topic of how heaven wouldn't be great if certain evangelical leaders from our pasts were in heaven, or just people who claim to be Christ-followers who are total jackasses. To sum up what we really came to in the end is this: Heaven may or may not be a destination, but it's not going to be what you did, why you did it, or whatever rules you followed or didn't that's going to make you happy in this life or the next. Ultimately, it's going to be WHO you are that is going to make you happy. And whether that's a church or not that helps you become a better person is really your prerogative. But it makes you think.

I know, I know, there are a bunch of folks reading this who are saying: "What are you worried about heaven for, Snakes? You are gonna barely pass entrance exams."

While there is some undeniable truth there, I do have a secret; I test well.

I don't imagine I will get to heaven and they will give me the key to the city, but probably will consign me to some arduous labor for lesser good people. I imagine I will be heaven's dog catcher, and that's okay with me.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My Favorite Albums Of 2016

I do this every year not to be vain, or because I think people should herald my taste in music. I just do this because I listen to a lot of music, and feel like artists deserve some credit. The other reason is hoping someone who missed a good album, finds it here.

I'll format this by providing a link to the album via YouTube or Bandcamp, as well as my favorite song. (Except the EP's, they're short enough that I like them all.)

I'll do a short list of EP's, because so much great music has come out this year.

4. Athletics - When To Run Where To Hide
Image result for when to run where to hide athletics

Since there is only 2 songs, listen to both of them on their website

3. Turnover - Humblest Pleasures
Image result for humblest pleasures

Another album with only 2 songs, but they're both fantastic. You can listen to them on their Bandcamp

2. Can't Swim - Death Deserves A Name
Image result for death deserves a name

This is a five song EP that I preordered on vinyl, and was really happy with. Bringing a little more punk to the table in a pop punk world, Death Deserves A Name feels like fresh air. Listen to the album in full on their Bandcamp

1. Turnstile - Move Thru Me
Image result for move thru me

How can you sum up this much great? Their full length last year didn't grow on me until the year was through, but better late than never. This EP is really fun. Listen to it on their Bandcamp

Okay, onto the full length albums.

20. Run The Jewels - RTJ III

Image result for run the jewels 3

Listen to the whole thing on their Bandcamp My favorite song is A Report to the Shareholders/Kill Your Masters

19. Brent Cobb - Shine On Rainy Day

Image result for brent cobb shine on rainy day

I can't find a site to somewhere where his whole album his streaming, but here is a Link to his youtube channel where his whole album is uploaded, and it's worth the effort. My favorite song is Digging Holes.

18. gates - Parallel Lives

Image result for gates parallel lives

I loved this album at first listen, but it didn't stick as well as their prior releases. Still is absolutely fantastic stuff from one of my favorite current acts. Listen to the whole thing on Pure Noise Records Bandcamp. My favorite song is Shiver.

17.  letlive. - If I'm The Devil

Image result for if im the devil

Easily my most anticipated of the year. Anyone who follows me on Twitter or knows me personally can attest that this is certainly a surprise, and didn't expect this on my list at all. While I agree with my good friend Harrison who said that this album "seemed to lack effort", I grew to really enjoy the album for what it was. I had to force myself to stop comparing it to Fake History or The Blackest Beautiful. I really hope they can bounce back from this album and create music to be excited about, but in the meantime I will drink the Kool-Aid, as it were. Listen to their album on Epitaph's YouTube Channel. My favorite song is A Weak Ago.

16. Dance Gavin Dance - Mothership

Image result for mothership dance gavin dance

I like a few songs on this album more than the album as a whole, to be honest. I think it was a little soon as far as back to back releases. However, Tilian is really hitting his stride here, and they're veering from their stupid lyrics somewhat, which is a huge plus for me. You can check out the whole album on Rise Records' Youtube. My favorite song (Without much deliberation) is Betrayed By The Game.

15. Artifex Pereo - Passengers

Image result for artifex pereo passengers

I found these guys based on a twitter suggestion from a local, and one of my favorite, bands Eidola. Check out the album on their Bandcamp. My Favorite song is Soft Weapons.

14. Vanna - All Hell

Image result for vanna all hell

One of my most anticipated of the year. I found their last release Void after it was out for a while, and have been following these guys since. You can check out this great album on their Bandcamp. My favorite songs are Lead Balloon or Circle The Flame.

13. Sianvar - Stay Lost

Image result for sianvar stay lost

A supergroup of some of my favorite artists A Lot Like Birds, Hail The Sun, Stolas and Dance Gavin Dance. They work together well, and I think I enjoyed this release more than most on first listen. You can listen to Stay Lost on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Bedroots.

12. Zao - The Well Intentioned Virus

Image result for the well intentioned virus

I know now that these guys were hugely influential in the early days of metal/hardcore. That's not why I love this album. You can listen to it on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is I Leave You In Peace.

11. Modern Baseball - Holy Ghost

Image result for holy ghost modern baseball

Another highly anticipated, and one that didn't disappoint me. They formatted this with an A/B side between singers instead of tag-teaming all the vocals, which was a fun idea that worked well. Plus, how can you not like an album cover that was taken in Salt Lake somewhere? You can listen to the whole album on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Hiding.

10. The Hotelier - Goodness
Image result for the hotelier goodness edited

Please don't go and look for the unedited artwork. This album is really great, and another one that I had been anticipating all year. They followed up their absolutely fantastic prior LP so well with this album. Go listen to the full album on their Bandcamp (Just close your eyes when you get there.) My favorite song is Soft Animal.

9. My Iron Lung - Learn To Leave
Image result for my iron lung learn to leave

I can't write anything because I'm still sad that they've parted ways. Rest In Peace to these guys, they got me through a lot. Listen to the full album on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is all of them.

8. Mat Kerekes - Luna And The Wild Blue Everything

Image result for luna and the wild blue everything

I have been a big Citizen fan for a little while, particularly since I saw them live. This is the lead singers solo album, which I usually don't care for. But this album is fantastic, the atmosphere he creates here is wonderful. Check it out on his Bandcamp. My favorite song is From None.

7. Angel Du$t - Rock The Fuck On Forever

Image result for rock the fuck on forever

Gathering members from Turnstile and Trapped Under Ice, Angel Du$t has turned to one of my favorite acts. It's like a time warp to the 90's but without being forced to drink Pepsi. Listen to this album on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Hurt You Bad or Toxic Boombox.

6. Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate

Image result for tiny moving parts celebrate

I love these boys a little more now that I have lived in Minnesota. This album shows more maturity from the band than any other release. If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be 'infectious' This album makes me very happy, which is sometimes a rarer feat than it should be. Happy, moving, twinkling riffs will make you smile as well. Listen to it on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Birdhouse or Minnow.

5. Funeral Attire - Joy

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I came across these guys on happenstance. This album is really raw, and emotional, but in a good way. I have suggested this album to everyone who has asked, and I will continue to do so. (I may have listened myself sick of these 8 songs, but I would do it the same if I could do it over.) Listen to the whole thing on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Cauterize.

4. Knocked Loose - Laugh Tracks

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To be honest, I tried to like Knocked Loose with their prior releases, and nothing really stuck. I went out on a limb and pre-ordered this album based on my faith in Pure Noise Records, and wasn't let down. Talk about a breath of fresh air into hardcore/post-hardcore. Every time I finish the album, I wished it didn't end. Listen to the full album on their Bandcamp. My favorite songs are Deadringer and Counting Worms.

3. Nails - You Will Never Be One Of Us

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Have you ever listened to an album that was so heavy it made your wife wonder if you had changed religions to worship the devil? I got into Nails when one day I was at a crossfit program and Lil P was playing it as we were working out. My really good friend Kevin C. described it as "Blast your face off music" Which I think is accurate. When I first heard this album I was driving home from work, and when I got to the song Violence Is Forever, I had to pull the car over to just listen to the riffs. It still gives me the chills. Stay angry, my friends. Listen to the whole album on YouTube. My favorite song is Violence Is Forever or Into Quietus.

2. Protest The Hero - Pacific Myth

Now, to be totally fair, this is officially released as a 5 song EP. However, this album clocks in at over 35 minutes, where Nails only checks out at 26. That reason, plus the fact that I still cannot stop listening to it, made me feel like it deserved better recognition than on the EP list. This album just feels raw and powerful rock and roll. Composed of riffs that will make you shiver, this album comes highly recommended to everyone by me. Listen to it on their Bandcamp. My favorite song is Harbinger.

1. Every Time I Die - Low Teens

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I found the Every Time I Die train late in their game, but I am so happy I found them at all. I waited for this album all summer long, since they announced it before they started Warped Tour in the summer. While that was agonizing, it was worth waiting for. Their most emotional album to date, it combined well with some of the heaviest riffs and breakdowns in music. I cannot say enough about this album, so I will stop there. Go listen to it. You can start on Epitaph's YouTube. My favorite songs are Map Change or Just As Real But Not As Brightly Lit.