First, here is a list of albums I listened to a lot this year that I think deserve attention because they're good as h*ck, but they weren't released this year.
- Microwave - Much Love
- Harms Way - Rust
- Every Time I Die - Gutter Phenomenon
- Every Time I Die - Hot Damn!
- Every Time I Die - The Big Dirty
- Bent Life - Never Asked For Heaven
(The ETID ones are probably obvious, but it's true all the same)
I also wanted to add a list of honorable mention albums that are in no particular order, because I enjoyed these albums, and think they deserve mention
Forced Order - One Last Prayer

Iron & Wine - Beast Epic
The Contortionist - Clairvoyant
Trapped Under Ice - Heatwave

Varials - Pain Again
Full Of Hell - Trumpeting Ecstasy

Okay, Here's the list. I kept it short.
END - From The Unforgiving Arms Of God

Check out: Necessary Death
The singer of Counterparts has teamed up with some other members to make a hardcore/metal band that is brutal as h*ck. I enjoyed this album very much, but having only 6 songs left me wanting more. And I hate being left wanting more.
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic

Check out: Executioner's Tax (Swing Of The Axe)
The blend of 80's nostalgia with metal is truly a work of art here. If you like music that is loud as hell, but also are a fan of 80's horror, this album speaks your language. Take a trip to riff city with Power Trip.
The blend of 80's nostalgia with metal is truly a work of art here. If you like music that is loud as hell, but also are a fan of 80's horror, this album speaks your language. Take a trip to riff city with Power Trip.
John Moreland - Big Bad Luv
Check out: Ain't We Gold, It Don't Suit Me (Like Before)
I have been a John Moreland believer for a while. He is a truly unparalleled songwriter. This album has some serious heart. If you like country music that isn't total dog shit pop music that is forced down your throat by media/ the radio, this album is one you cannot miss. John Moreland will make you feel and understand things.
Turnover - Good Nature

Check Out: Bonnie (Rhythm & Melody)
To be totally fair, I was probably more excited for this release than any other. The album is pretty good, but not a lot stuck with me. However, I have listened to/enjoyed Bonnie (Rhythm &Melody) more than any other single this year. That song is absolutely infectious and wonderful. I suggest it with the highest fervor.
Stolas - Stolas

Check out: Bellwether
I swore after the albums release that it would be my #1 album, I enjoyed it that much. The lead single for this (Aforementioned) was so riveting when I first heard it, I preordered the album with my birthday money. I don't regret it at all because the album is still wonderful, I just haven't returned to it as often as other albums. I still suggest it highly, the album is great cover to cover.
Colter Wall - Colter Wall
Check out: Thirteen Silver Dollars, Kate McCannon
I know it's strange to have such a polar opposite in terms of music to (almost) everything else on my list, and have it ranked so highly. But this album couples great song writing with a unique voice. This will be a hit with all Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash and Hank Williams fans. Absolutely great album, and makes you think that country music isn't the complete horrific infected scab that the radio wants to you believe it is.
Eidola - To Speak, To Listen

Check out: Loti, Tetelestai
Do I love these boys because they're from SLC? yes. Is that the reason they made my list? no. There is a whole bunch of concept that are behind their prior 2 albums that I haven't even begun to try and understand, but I don't need to do that to enjoy the great songwriting here. I suggest this for people who want to listen to something that makes you think. Plus, who has a better voice than this guy?
Counterparts - You're Not You Anymore

Check out: No Servant Of Mine, Fragile Limbs
This album shows a lot of growth within this band, and I think that is why it has stuck for me. I was beyond excited for this album because I have been a pretty devout fan for a while now. The lead singles are some of the best songs released this year (in fact, I knew their singles by heart before the album even dropped. oops.) I think the only reason this album didn't rank as high for me was because it was announced in early summer and released in late august. It just wasn't as exciting when my preorder showed up. I still suggest this album to any and all heavy music fans. It's good ghost hunting music.
Backtrack - Bad To My World

Check out: Cold Blooded, Gutted
Okay, I know I spent most of my life saying I would never become a hardcore fan. But honestly, Backtrack has become one of my favorite bands. This albums delivers the kind of gumption you might need to do things like call out a family member at a party, quit your dead end job, or clean your room. The fast pace of this album is unrelenting and the hollering of relatable lyrics is perfect. I couldn't suggest this more to any budding HXC fan.
Circa Survive - The Amulet

Check Out: Premonition Of The Hex, The Amulet
Anyone who has known me for the past 10 years is not at all surprised seeing Circa on my list. I have been fascinated by these bad boys since high school. The Amulet is the kind of album that feels like getting in your own bed after vacation for me. It's familiar and different at the same time. Anthony Green's work continues to shine without feeling overdone here. If you like rock and roll or alternative music, The Amulet is for you.
Citizen - As You Please

Check out: Ugly Luck, Jet
I was never really a Citizen believer until I saw them in concert. They played well, but I felt their passion when I saw them. I since have been a big fan. My wife and I have been excited for this album for a while now. Their first single, Jet, is catchy as h*ck and feels like it was raised by rock and roll. Front to back this album is good. Nothing like some home grown rock and roll to cure what ails you.
Sufferer - Sufferer

Check out: Pacifier, Sword
This band is a "super group" made from band members of A Lot Like Birds, I The Mighty, and Hail The Sun, so I have been excited about this project for a number of years. This album is a concept album that is written with varying voices of someone who has mental health issues. One voice represents the patient, one represents anxiety, one represents depression. This album is interesting from the stance of someone who hasn't ever suffered from mental health issues, and made me far more compassionate to those who do. Not only is it raising awareness, but they donate a portion of their earnings to further mental health research. Which is absolutely amazing. It also helps that the music kicks total ass. It's heavy and a little panicked, but harmonious. The rise and falls of this album is wonderful. I suggest it to everyone; it will help open your eyes to issues you wont hear about in usual walks of life.
Kublai Khan - Nomad

Check Out: Belligerent, True Fear
I listened to Kublai Khan's last album a fair amount a couple of years ago, and then they fell of my radar. When they signed to Rise Records and released their single The Hammer, I knew that I was going to be hooked. Their blend of metal and hardcore is unique, and their lyricism penning current events is both interesting and touching. I have not listened to this album at a quiet volume, and I never will.
Code Orange - Forever
Check Out: Forever, The Mud
I don't think there is much I can say about this album that Rolling Stone, their Grammy nomination, and pretty much every magazine on earth hasn't said already. I preordered this album last year, and have been listening to it since it's release in January. They have been pushing the limits of hardcore, metal, whatever, and this is pinnacle. There is not many greater albums that have ever been released than this one.
Incendiary - Thousand Mile Stare

Check out: Hanging From The Family Tree, Poison
I think there is few albums released that are this pertinent to current political climates, but also kicks ass. I got into the Incendiary game late, but I am a full fledged player now. This album is unrelenting from start to finish. I have played this album into the ground, and I am still not tired of it. Highly suggested for anyone who likes hardcore and has been living under a rock. There has been no doubt in my mind that this was my #1 album since it's drops. Thousand Mile Stare is bullet proof.