Last year about this time my wife made me go and see the remake of The Blair Witch project. I am not ashamed to admit that I covered my face for the last 15 minutes of the movie, because I really like sleeping. After that, I told my wife that I never want to watch a scary movie ever again. But after a year I finally got ground down and caved. After this last mistake, I am going on record and saying I will never watch a scary movie ever again. It scared my wife so bad I had to go to the store, as a 27 year old man, and buy a nightlight for the bathroom. I am on the verge of calling in a catholic priest to get some holy water in a spray bottle, just to be sure. I imagine it would be like when your dog is doing something you don't like and you spray it with the water bottle, but it would be a demon from hell and you spray it with holy water and it melt, alllllllllll the way back to hell.
There's this guy at my work who has one eye that is white. Like the whole thing is white. He also has a tattoo on his arm that reads 'immortal', and it's the only time in my life I have read someones tattoo and believed what it said. He has tried to make eye contact with me a couple of times, but I always look away quickly. Because I firmly believe that if I look in his white eye, one of two things might happen: A) it has hypnotic powers and he can trance me into doing his dark bidding, whatever that may be. or B) It has powers to read my mind and he can find passwords to my bank account (He would be disappointed) and to my Facebook or social security or whatever. So as of today, I haven't had either of those things happen because I am way too smart.
We live in a rough part of town. It was an odd change to go from living in the basement of old people and it was always quiet (Except for that DAMN wind chime) to living on Casino road where just last night, I was pretty sure I heard gun shots, but I told my wife it was probably just fireworks. I can't say for sure it was one or the other. Also this was after watching that movie and I didn't need any more reason to be worried. I can't buy like, ten night lights. Sorry.
This did make me think something though; Have you ever been so mad at someone that you would actually want to kill them? Not like, when I fart in bed and my wife says "I'm going to kill you." I'm talking like get a gun and shoot someone with it. Doesn't that make you sick? I mean, I have definitely been mad enough that I have been like, maybe I would take a swipe at someone with a knife. Just like hurt them enough to make them think about what they've done. But never kill someone. So when I hear gun shots I always wonder what lead up to that. Like maybe your best friend and your girl friend were shacked up together? That would be a bummer. Or, more likely near this part of town, someone stole your crack money. Or your crack. I can't speak from experience, but I imagine that that causes tempers to flare. People are quite sensitive about their crack (Both the drugs and the cracks in their butts) I guess This just makes me wish that the gun fighting would stop. This isn't a Kurt Russel movie. You can't just go around town shooting your gun. There are two people in their mid twenties living in this apartment who are scared enough as it is, and just went and bought nightlights for their house, where is your sense of decency?
I guess this has brought me to one big recurring thought I have had over the last little while. As I have grown as a man, and a person over the last while (Particularly year) I have realized that there really isn't anything that is worth getting so angry about. Sure, it sucks when your boss puts you off on your promotions, and when the maintenance in your building leaves a hole cut in the ceiling of the bathroom for three weeks, but being angry isn't going to help solve the issue. I really write this as a reminder to myself. Things will work out when they do. So don't get so angry when someone steals your crack that you go and shoot them on the street. Just be cool, man. More crack is always available and, from what I have seen, people are always giving you idiots cash on the street corners. So whatever it is, just make sure you keep your brain in your head. It's gonna be okay. Like yeah, it was just a movie, but did you hear that? I think I saw something move. Send thoughts and prayers.