Saturday, December 15, 2012
If it were up to me, I would watch the world burn. I would be burning too.
It's now December 15th. If you count correctly, it's only 6 days until the alleged end of the world. I thought the world would be in a state of more panic than I find it to be in. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Truthfully, I wasn't really worried about the end of the world. Not in the last 5 years anyway. I do recall being in 7th grade lying on my couch panicking about the end of the world. I remember thinking that the date was far too soon, and there was so much to accomplish before then. I needed to kiss a girl, have a kid, be in a metal band, appear in a movie, beat Super Mario Bros 3, throw things off a building, make everyone jealous, fly a plane, drive a car, grow a beard, commandeer a boat, spend money on lavish living, and win a fight. In retrospect, I have done most of the things on this list. Except kiss a girl. I'm still waiting for that to come my way. So, what I guess I'm getting at, is that I would be okay if the world ended. That isn't to say that I feel that way because I have checked off my list of things to do either. In fact, I would probably be more sad if it didn't end. I could probably die not kissing a girl and be okay with it. I don't think it would be so good that it would be worth hanging around this world longer for anyway. The sad truth behind it, is that I'm more afraid of the world we are heading towards than actually dying. I would be happier perishing in a horrible fire, getting trapped under a gas truck and dying slowly, or God forbid getting attacked by ravenous tweens that not only devour your flesh, but criticize you while doing it, than live any longer in this world. If the last words I hear before meeting my maker is "Oh my gawd! It is effing impossible to pick out the hair and fat and actually get meat from this loser!" I would probably die with a smile. A pain driven smile. I don't mean to portray that I am suicidal by any means. What I mean to say, is that we live in a really terrible place anymore. I have a hard time thinking that any day is worth getting out of bed for. There are so few people that I care to see, and so little chance of me actually seeing them, that it's hard to convince me to leave a bed that loves me unconditionally. There are too many tragedies and calamities that happen worldwide everyday, and not to mention the party fouls of everyone I see regularly that make me think we are headed in the right direction. Or any direction but a furnace-y hell. In a way, I used to view the future as very bright. I used to think of flying cars, transportation by portals, space suits, meals in a pill, lightsabers, robots, and everything else futuristic. Now, I have a hard time thinking of it being any kind of luxury. I tend to think it's something more like, boarding your windows, keeping a heavy stock of ammunition, non-perishable food items, liquor, and not letting people out during the day. The future looks more and more like a zombie apocalypse than a future. The only difference being we aren't hiding from zombies, we're hiding from our animalistic neighbors. Which, I already do. My windows are just not boarded yet. If things don't start taking a turn for the better, we are going to have alot of problems on our hands. Change. We need real change. I'm King Jake, and I am ready to start the revolution.
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