First, I can't bring myself to add these folks on my top recommendations, but you should at least give them a listen.
Honorable mentions:
Cinematic Sunrise- A upbeat piano infused pop band. Featuring one of my favorite vocalists. Anyone and everyone can dig these fellas.
Anthony Green- A side project from the lead singer of Circa Survive. His CD Avalon is brilliant. Get it.
Isles & Glaciers- These guys are what is called a "Super-group" basically, a bunch of embers from different bands coming together and making magic. These guys are so great.
Front Porch Step- A one man acoustic band. He writes some of the most honest lyrics I have ever heard. Straight Edge Acoustic is what he is called. Don't pass him by!
10. Bayside.
While these guys have been around for years, alot of people have yet to listen to them. While I must admit that I haven't really kept up with them in recent years, Their album The Walking Wounded really shaped my music taste for the years to come. A solid rock quartet, Bayside doesn't fear telling you exactly what they are thinking. Catchy chorus' will keep you singing with lyrics enough to make you ponder. Don't pass these guys by.
Check out: Carry On, Devotion & Desire, and Thankfully
9. Anberlin
While I feel like these guys are well known as is, and that you can find their albums at your local Wal Mart, they still deserve a shout out. Anberlin has been a band that you will always find on my iPod. While I am partial to their older, somewhat heavier albums, their newer stuff is just as well to listen to. Their 3rd full length Cities is easily in my top 10 favorite albums of all time. You will find yourself crushed with emotional breakup songs, as well as happy songs about a significant other. Regardless of your mood, Anberlin has a song to fit it.
Check out: Adelaide, Never Take Friendship Personal, and Readyfuels
8. Emarosa
Emarosa started out as a post hardcore band. They wrote songs to inspire chaos, and fear in the hearts of people. That is where I first found them. After a few lineup changes, the band inherited the uncanny talent of Jonny Craig. The man with the personality of a jackass, but the voice of an absolute angel. Their CD releases with Craig are absolutely incredible. While the music style represents that of what could be a continuation of a post-hardcore unit, Craig brings an added measure that makes it something that everyone can love. While they are no longer with Craig, their CD's Relativity, and Self-Titled are still a wonder, and something we can all love.
Check out: What's A Clock Without The Batteries?, Set It Off Like Napalm, Heads Or Tails? Real Or Not, and A Toast! To The Future Kids
7. Pierce The Veil
While these wonderful Mexican men have taken the post-hardcore world by storm as is, they continually impress me as an avid metal lover. With their self titled genre Mexi-core, it leaves so many questions as to what the bands style really is. A post hardcore unit with plenty of Spanish influence, is the only real explanation. The band has alot of heavy in their music. So, if that's not what you are into, that is fine. These men have a few songs even the littlest of babies can love. You won't be disappointed if you invest some time in these guys.
Check out: Caraphenila, King For A Day, and Yeah Boy And Doll Face
Not Into Hardcore? Check out: Stay Away From My Friends, A Cheap Bouquet, Million Dollar Houses (The Painter), and Hold On Til May
6. The Story So Far
Okay, I am extremely cautious when putting these guys up here. It would break my heart if they got exploited by tweenagers, because I hold them in such high regard. Probably one of the most honest and true pop punk bands left in the world, The Story So Far is capable of bringing the ruckus. With songs so honest it will hit home for just about anyone. With enough punk influence to stir you up when needed, these guys can rise to your favorite with ease.
Check out: Placeholder, Roam, Mt. Diablo, and Daughters.
5. Between The Buried And Me
If you don't like musicianship at its finest, beautiful concepts, or all genre encompassing songs, you wont like BTBAM. The talent that lies in this lineup, is uncomparable to anything else in the music industry. While their songs are long, and somewhat obscure, they are absolutely mind blowing. A band that can write a song that is 17 minutes long, and not leave you feeling bored, or like they are repeating themselves, is incredible. Some songs possess Polka breakdowns, and other will tear your face off with pure metal. I will level with you, they are hard to get into because they are so heavy for the most part. But, I can't find it in myself to pass them by. These guys deserve to be heralded for years to come.
Check out: Selkies: An Endless Obsession, White Walls, Fossil Genera- A Feed From Cloud Mountain, and Ants Of The Sky
4. Emery
This band has held such great footholds in my heart for the longest time. Their concept album The Question is easily number 2 on my top ten albums of all time. The band has a talent for burning the house down with metal, and softly sinking back into melodic solstice in the same song. While they are classified as a Post Hardcore band, Emery has the ability to not make you feel overwhelmed by the heavy-ness of it. Their music can and should be loved by all.
Check out: The Weakest, Playing With Fire, World Away, The Ponytail Parades, and The Cheval Glass.
3. We Came As Romans
I will admit it, I am completely biased when it comes to these guys. I have been following them before they signed to a label, and released a full length album. In my eyes, they have, and will never do wrong. They are pretty brutally hardcore, and probably wont be loved by someone who shy's away from screamed lyrics. However, if you can put that to rest, you will find the most positive messages in music today. Songs about brotherhood, helping out one another, and having hope. These guys can bring the heat, and the heart. They have my highest recommendations to anyone who can appreciate solid musicianship.
Check out: Dreams, Intentions, A War Inside Me, Stay Inspired, and Hope.
2. Circa Survive
These guys have been a long time favorite. I bought their album On Letting Go when I was a sophomore in high school and not knowing anything about them. I was far from disappointed. While their first two releases are... strange. They are much easier to listen to on the second, third, fourth and millionth time around. This indie rock band is something you can seriously sink your teeth into. Anthony Green writes relatable lyrics, and the band produces great music to accompany. Don't miss out.
Check out: Get Out, I Felt Free, Spirit Of The Stairwell, All Your Friends Are Gone, We're All Thieves, Stop The Car, Everyway, Lazarus, and The Only Difference Between Poison And Medicine Is In The Dose
1. Coheed And Cambria
If you know me on a personal level, you saw this one coming. I have been an avid listener of these guys since I was 13. The concept of Coheed And Cambria is absolutely fascinating to me. Each of their album releases follows a story line to a series of comic books that is written and released by the bands front man Claudio Sanchez. The lyrics can be taken in the light of that story, but also related to your personal life. In my mind, that is not only unreal, but makes this band above the rest. This is talent, and that is not something that is found in the music industry today. I honestly cant say enough about this band. So, I will close by saying, you are shooting yourself in the foot if you don't give these guys a try.
Check out: Time Consumer, Devil In Jersey City, The Light & The Glass, The Velorium Camper 1: Faint Of Hearts, In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3, Blood Red Summer, Welcome Home, Mother May I, Wake Up, Gravemakers & Gunslingers, The End Complete IV: The Road And The Damned, Here We Are Juggernaut, Made Out Of Nothing (All That I Am), Domino The Destitute, Mothers Of Men, The Hard Sell, Away We Go, and 2's My Favorite 1. (Sorry for the long list. I can't help myself)
So, there you have it. This isn't necessarily my top ten favorite bands, but bands that I feel you might like if you can't seem to branch out any. If you find what you like, I am glad. I hope this helps you see that what is being played on the radio, is not what good music is. It is cheap lyrics, that are easily relatable and music to make your toes tap. We need to retake the music industry by storm.
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