Allow me to sidetrack off the original thought about developing feelings. This will be relevant, I promise. I recently went and saw The Great Gatsby. Now, aside from hurting my brain trying to sort out a twenties movie that has such high effects on camera, and Toby Maguire making my life miserable, it was a good movie. The story was almost as beautiful as Leonardo DiCaprio. What I find amusing, is the comments afterward. All these women took up their torches and pitchforks in the name of Daisy. Saying what an ungrateful bitch she was, how could she do this, on and on and on. See, what I wonder is if they do this out of lust for Leo, or the fact that she truly was selfish and ungrateful. Let's say that Gatsby in this film was casted by Ethan Suplee (American History X, My Name Is Earl, Chasing Amy. Basically he's just a big fat guy.) and not Leo. Would these griping women feel the same? Or is it just that they think Leo is too gosh darn handsome to betray? What is funny to me, is that more often than not, women play the part of Daisy as opposed to anyone else in life. I see it all the time. Men go and put all that they have on the line for a woman, and what happens? She leaves. She can't shake her demons. She can't get over someone else. And so on, and so forth. (Yes. I am one siding this argument and turning a blind eye to the men that are cheating pigs etc. Get over it.) Men on an every day basis are giving their all in the name of love. And in the name of some woman that will take the heart that has been spilled in their behalf, and dump it on the floor. While we can safely agree that no man has purchased a house and thrown very expensive house parties in hopes of seeing a woman. But, does anyone do that? I mean, in real life? The answer is no. Men are so completely predictable when it comes to love, lust, and companionship in a woman. We do the absolute dumbest shit on the planet in order to say, set us aside form the rest. Or at least catch her eye in the process. And women brush it off like it was no big deal at all. But, God forbid that someone else do it! Especially to Leonardo DiCaprio!
I think that this is where this original thought comes from. Why should we develop feelings for another, when we can just walk into traffic, bang our face against a metal door, play Russian Roulette with all the bullets in the chamber, or army crawl through live coals and feel the same? At the end of the day, there isn't an answer is there? You can tell yourself 100 times over that you are done with boys, girls or both, but you'll find yourself with your tongue hanging out of your head when the next woman/man looks at you the right way. People that say they are fine being single, or never want to get married are idiots. They are just trying to delude themselves into believing that. If you don't want to find someone who loves you with as much capacity as you have love for them, you are an ignorant jackass. See, all this love, romance and shit is hardwired into our DNA. If we have no other purpose in life, the one that we can all believe in, and cling to, is love. The love you find in others. I think what has forced me to find that conclusion, is my own behavior. See, for the most part, I try and weigh out options, think, and make good decisions when they arrive at my feet. However, when it comes to love and a relationship, I act like a complete jackass. I seem the throw all reason to the wind. I will give everything I have to try and make things with this person good. Some people think this is ludicrous. But, the truth of the matter is, I can't seem to help myself. I have stayed up late on more occasions than I care to let on, and thought about this. Why, in all situations, is the one that I should be the most calm and collected am I acting like a maniac? And I think it's just DNA. I want to please this person. I want to make them happy. I want to make them like me. Love me. So, amidst all that, more often than not, I end up ruining things. And I irreparably burn bridges. But, those are the skeletons that I have to deal with. Some people may have other problems with relationships that are even worse. But, at the end of the day, we are all screwed up. To some degree or another. We all find that out eventually. So, why do we develop these feelings? I think we all have the slim hope that the opposite will be true. If only sometime. So we throw the dice, and hope that 7's show up. More often than not, we lose. And it sucks. So, we dust ourselves off, and try again.
I think that this was hoping to be more comical than what it turned out to be. Because it's a comedic truth. Why don't we all just walk into traffic? Because we are all waiting for something greater. Whether you believe that or not, we are. If you didn't believe that, you would have cut your ankles long ago, and be taking a big fat dirt nap right now. Not reading this blog.