I know alot of high schoolers. And in most cases, that isn't by my choice. I always thought middle schoolers were the absolute worst. And that is actually still true. The sad truth is though, high schoolers are just middle schoolers with money and a drivers license.
So, there I was. Sitting in McDonalds just burning some time between appointments. I wasn't bothering anyone just checking the stock market app on my phone, and enjoying a nice hot fudge sundae. And this gaggle of ass hat high schoolers deem it necessary to take the booth directly next to me. So, I think nothing of it and just keep about my business. And these idiots don't seem to have a volume knob. Or, it may have been broken off at decibel level 100000. Cause seriously, I couldn't even hear the talk show on the TV I was sitting directly underneath. And all I wanted to do was hear Rod Stewart preform his new song on this terrible talk show. Can I do that? Heavens no. I had to listen to this dumb ass yack about putting new plastic shit on his stupid shit Honda Civic. Also, more asshats convene with the prior asshats. The difference is, these were colored gentlemen and their decibel level was superceded the gangly white folks in the booth next to me. I literally almost fell out of my chair when this booming black man voice rattled the windows with "CRAIG MY NIGGA! I AINT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER! DAAAAYYYYUUUUMMM!" At which point I gathered my things and left the McDonalds to go somewhere where I won't be bothered with nonsensical conversations and loud black men who's whole aim is to frighten the shit out of me.
So, There is one lie that I told in this story, and the rest of it is entirely true. Can you guess what the lie was? You're right. I wasn't checking the Stock Market App on my phone. Because that app is entirely useless.
I hate it so much when people have the condescending attitude saying things like "Oh, you're just a young buck!" especially when you are only a few years older than I. But, the truth of the matter is, High schoolers suck. It's basically where your hormones peak, and everything is fifty shades of F-ed up. Like, I hear about high school relationships going south, and being treated like news that Mary Kate and Ashley are now cooking meth. Like it's the biggest and most terrible news since the holocuast. Really? I realize that it means alot to those kids, but the truth is, about .001% of high school sweethearts get married and stay married based on a study my brain did, and made statistics up for. Seriously, you get out of high school, and realize that all your relationships in high school were based on sex. Not love. You just want to jam your $90 jeans together. Not get married. And don't ever try and tell me different. Cause I will pirate kick you into tomorrow.
I don't mean this as a vicious attempt to bring any high schoolers down. Cause high school is fun, and should be. But, you should really stop taking yourself, your friends, and God willing your relationships so damn seriously. Cause, honestly, not a whole lot of it is going to matter in ten years. Sad but true.
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