There are alot of reasons I feel that way. The main being, everything about singles wards. The bishop ought to just fly around in a cupid costume and shoot everyone in the ass. Then there wouldn't be any misconception about his role in the grand scheme of things. He is just a glorified match maker. The problem is, he isn't as discreet about it as he should be. I love the comments "We should have half the brethren and half the sisters switch places! You folks need to mingle!" I think what the problem with that is, I don't want to freaking mingle. If I see someone that I am enticed to talk to, I will do it in the hall. On my own time. I'm not going to sit down next to a pretty girl and pretend to be interested during the boring lesson. I can't rightfully sit down and have a conversation with this girl, now can I? I Would then look like an asshat that is talking during a very enlightening lesson. Plus, The last thing I need is this cute girl I've never met before to know that I snore. And that I can sleep sitting straight up. Or in any position for that matter. I like sitting by my friends then I can sleep all I want without the fear that I will fart in my sleep. Or start snoring like Mrs. Fatelli from The Goonies. Plus, I am already sweaty. Girls make it worse.
I also find that there is an odd atmosphere around singles ward. It's like boosted levels of testosterone and estrogen. I picture it like turning prisoners of the opposite sex loose in a close quartered building for three hours. Everybody is preying on everyone else. I just... don't like it. Mostly because my role in the whole prisoners thing is the lunch lady with the mole on her face. I don't really do a whole lot, I just stare at everyone. Everyone heads to singles wards keeping in mind that their one and only might be sitting in this very room. And that gets everyone all wound up. In the worst kind of ways. You should be going to the singles ward because you shouldn't go to the family ward. Not to wife/husband shop. But, maybe that's just my crazy talk. What do I know?
I think what bothers me the most, is the attire of people in singles wards. The problem might be that up until recently, my mom has been wearing the same two dresses to church since I was just a sprout. My dad still hasn't changed what he wears. he still wears the same boots, but his pants have been renewed if I remember right. I just feel old school in my church attire. We don't have to dress like a jackass in order to grab a woman's eye. I saw a kid wearing a kilt today. Forgive my heathenish ways, but the only words I could muster was, "What the shit is that?" And I blame my sin of swearing in church on him. Cause I wouldn't have swore had he dressed like a normal person. I have seen everything from lava lava skirts, to leather jackets. And maybe that's cool where you served your mission, or where you are from. But here, in Ephraim Utah, we dress in a shirt, tie, and slacks. Not dresses and leather jackets with chains. So, please. For the sake of my salvation, don't be a dumb ass.
Finally, what bothers me the most about singles wards, is couples in singles wards. It's not enough to just attend church together. And hold hands and be happy to be with each other. You have to make it clear to the rest of the congregation that you are a package deal now. And you only need one seat. Cause you'll be on top of each other the whole time anyway. I just think if you're going to act like that, you ought to just go to the couples ward. Cause you are making the rest of us prisoners salivate and jealous. We can't deal with things like this. And it makes the whole atmosphere that much more intense. I don't deal well with you snugly-puss pecks.
All in all, I have more reasons to not attend the singles ward than I have to attend them. But, I keep going. I think it's cause I am sick. And my mom's church doesn't start until 1 pm. And I don't wanna get home and not have a nap after church. So, until I have reasons to not go, I am going to keep whining about the prison ward.
Awesome Jake.