I actually coached 7th grade football this year. And being horribly competitive almost put me in the hospital. 7th grade boys are about as smart and understanding as puppies. They do whatever the hell they want, regardless of how much you yell and scream. Even as competitive and mean as I was in practice, I was substantially worse in games. As a coach. It was hard for me to shake hands with the opponent after we would lose. AS A COACH. While I would say "Good game fellas, good work." In my brain, I was calling them all unlearned hillbillies and cheap little bastards. Maybe this is a product of being a poor loser, but I don't really differentiate the two.
Probably the biggest run in that I find in my life is professional sports. Now, I'm not going to beat around the bush, So I have compiled a list of professional teams that I actually hate. Not dislike, I hate them.
Los Angeles Dodgers
New York Yankees
Boston Red Sox
Miami Heat
Los Angeles Lakers
San Diego Chargers
Oakland Raiders
New England Patriots
The Shield (A WWE reference if you are ignorant. Which I assume most of you are.)
Now I won't go into why I hate these teams. Other than they are assholes. Sometimes it's fanbase, sometimes it players. Most times its both.
I think my biggest issue is, I care way too much about professional sports. The truth is, everyone does. I have come to realize many years, and hair loss too late, that regardless of how much you gloat, stress, talk, badmouth rivals, post on FB/Twitter, This does absolutely nothing to influence how well or poorly a team does. You can eat crow until it runs out of your ears, and your team might not win. See, in professional sports, you roll the dice. Karma doesn't exist in professional sports for fans. You can do nothing to influence your team. Unless that is, if you pay a shit ton of money as a benefactor. Which most of you aren't nor ever will be.
I realize that there is the "Sixth man" concept. That the louder you are, the more intimidating it is for opponents. And I won't argue this seeing how the Seattle Seahawks stadium holds a world record for the loudest game ever this season. I recall standing on my seat this summer at AT&T Park in San Francisco, leaning over the barrier joining in as loudly as my lungs would permit in chanting "F#CK THE DODGERS" Gloating wildly, as Yasiel Puig struck out for the fourth time that game from my VIP box. That moment might have been one of the most euphoric moments of my life. Cause for once, I wasn't the only one with burning blood hatred for the Dodgers. I was surrounded by fellow true blue Giants fans, joined together in the cause of hating the Dodgers. After saying all this, I don't think screaming loudly from my bedroom, as Peyton Manning continues to destroy teams, helps him very much in Denver. My cries are loud, but not hear me in Denver loud.
I will never say that you shouldn't stand behind your team. And wear their colors to school/work. However, if you are wearing the wrong color of jersey, I pre-judge you. And assume you are probably an asshole, even though you might be a perfectly nice person.
I didn't write this in hopes of trying to bring hatred to an end. Cause that would suck. I do think that you should stop getting in one another's face's over it. Because you contributed absolutely nothing to your teams win other than picking that team as your team (If only for a winning season.) I realize now why people only cheer on winning teams. Not only are they easy to hear about because of ESPN, but it must be nice to always be right. And score bragging rights. I have spent many seasons as a Denver fan with broken playoff dreams. However, I would rather be a faithful loser rather than a ship jumper. My bandwagon as a Denver fan is weighed down from all the ship jumpers this year. I guess I should take that as a compliment, but they didn't suffer through Jake Plummer, and Kyle Orton. They don't remember never doing well, and having losing seasons. They just show up when times are easy. Which is smart, but not fair to me.
I guess all in all, I should stop losing sleep over my teams. But that's not gonna happen. I think I probably lose more sleep when my enemy teams are doing well. Nothing that flipping off people wearing their stupid garb won't fix.
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