First of all, I mostly hate Christmas. I went to the mall today, because I am an asshole and a last minute shopper, and it was terrible. I couldn't even do decent shopping because I was being hassled by workers and shoppers alike. I COULDN'T EVEN GET A DAMN PRETZEL CAUSE THE LINE WAS TOO LONG AND I WAS STARTING TO GET ANXIETY. And as I stood amidst this mass of bustling people, I had a lot of things come to mind. I have sort of broke it up into a couple of different thoughts.
The first is that of somewhat religious beef. See, I consider myself (somewhat) religious. I attend my meetings on Sunday, I try to treat others with dignity and respect (Laying aside the fight, that is) and I feel like year round I am doing my best, at being my best. I am in no way perfect, or an example that anyone should follow. But I don't think that's really the point of religion anyway. Since we are all sinners and imperfect, the goal of religion should be to help those also seeking perfection. Now, I will stray from other somewhat tangents I had running around in my mind. However, one of the biggest issues I have with Christmas is that it's one of the two times during a regular earth's trip around the sun that people feel even an inkling of being religious. It seems as though in one week everyone crams their well wishes, hearty phone calls/texts, and other somewhat half hearted attempts to cleanse themselves before the year ticks to a close. I have worked at the same hardware store for almost 2 years now, and this seems to be the only time of year people make an attempt to be friendly. Whether that's offering us candy, drinks, or even just a warm smile. See, on one side of it I understand that it's a "special" occasion and that sort of makes sense. But why does everyone need an excuse to be nice to people? Why is it that you need a reason to be kind? I just struggle with that. And touching back on base with my religious rant, why is it that people are only religious this time of year? It seems like they cram a years worth of Hail Mary's, Hail John Travolta's or whatever else it is they worship into one month (Two days even). I just feel like truly religious people would be thankful for the birth of Christ for the duration of the year rather than just on his birthday. And maybe that's the problem with America. We need an excuse to celebrate our life, to get together and eat with our families, to call our loved ones, to be kind and friendly to our fellow men. And it makes me realize that we are screwed.
Breaking over into my other thought, it will be an awful lot shorter. If you are one of the pushy people at the mall, I hope you realize what a dick you're being. I REALIZE YOU ARE IN A HURRY, BUT WE ALL ARE. THAT'S WHY WE ARE HERE ON CHRISTMAS EVE. CALM YOURSELF.
I guess what I hope we can all do this holiday season (myself included) is to practice what we preach. There is a theme at my brother and I's house. Don't talk about it, be about it.
Lastly, so as to be a hypocrite, I want to wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas. Or whatever you celebrate. I get tons of support from this stupid freaking blog and it means a whole lot to me. I don't write as often as I would like, and I won't promise you that I will be writing more in the future. But I will say that I will do my best to only write things worth reading. To my consistent readers and lovers of this, God bless you. And thanks to those who spread the word. I do my very best to keep this light hearted so as to make my consistent joke of a life, a consistent joke for all of you. If you are traveling this holiday season, I hope you will travel safely. Again, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Merry Christmas.
-The King Himself.
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