Wednesday, January 23, 2013
There Is Nothing Outside For Me.
I should really finish my homework. I like to pace myself. And by pace myself, I mean do one assignment, and save the other 20 for later. Later never comes. In any case, here I am, avoiding my math. I have had alot on my mind recently. I have been thinking (excuse me for beating dead horses) about how much I hate people. I think in the last couple of days in particular, I have seriously questioned the merit of the outside world. I have drawn deeper and deeper conclusions that there is nothing on the other side of the front door that is of any worth to me. Let me level though, I always desire the companionship of people. I want to surround myself with people who are equally twisted and sick in the head as I. People who won't shy from laughs at other peoples expense. People who are okay with being spontaneous, and also, sitting around and playing records, video games and watch movies every now and again. I want people to understand why I love Taylor Swift and Rachael McAdams. The more I desire after these things, however, the more I have come to realize that there are a very select few people out there whose company I enjoy as much, or more than they enjoy mine. Because I have found there are people out there who enjoy my companionship more than I, theirs. And that isn't a passive aggressive attack at any one person in particular. It's just the honest truth. I really don't like most people. See, that's the problem I have found within myself. I have the full audacity to tell people exactly what I think of them, and they always think that it is a joke of sorts. The problem is, I am serious more often than I am not. I wish to a small degree that I could fix this, but I also have a part of me that likes it that way. This way, people think I am hilarious, and I can get away with telling people what I think without the repercussions of tears, enemies, and vicious attacks back in my direction. In conclusion to all these thoughts, I have made a life decision. I am eloping with my bed to the mountains. None of you are getting invited to our wedding either. Then after a few months in the mountains, I have a very diabolical plan. I plan to swoop in on a pack of bears, dressed as a bear. Once I am there for a little, I am totally going to steal a bear cub, right out from underneath mama bears nose. And probably kill her so she doesn't come after me. Then, I am going to raise the bear cub to maturity. I am going to teach him all kinds of tricks. I know you are thinking of tricks like a dog might learn. Shake hands, sit, play dead, and whatever else unimpressive things that dogs do. But, the answer to that is no. I am teaching my bear really awesome tricks. Like, high fives, how to drive a car, shoot guns, play videos games, and peek a boo. But, the best trick of all will be yet to come. I am going to ride him majestically back into civilization. And I am going to show up to the people I hate most in life's homes, and scare the hell out of them. It wont be the bear that will scare them. It's the trick. When I see the person I hate, I am going to scream "SICK 'EM BOY!!" like a raging banshee. Then, without hesitation, my bear will ferociously chase and successfully maul my enemy. You see, I think that my enemies need an attitude adjustment. They should really reconsider their moral values, and how they treat their fellow man. The way I see it, nothing can make you reconsider your life quite like getting de-limbed by an old enemies pet bear with an ironic name like "Ted Bear-dy" Soon thereafter, we will retreat into our mountainous oasis. I have only a few people I actually wish to be mauled. In all honesty, I think people should really really deeply introspect on their character and values in life. There are so many dickheads out there. And while this bear idea is a stretch, I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if there was someone out there who would actually do this. Or something similar. I am not into the one love, peace on earth stuff. But the more I have gone outside, the more I have realized that the world is full of people that are more likely to become enemies rather than friends. Stop being arrogant, bitchy, gossipy, and such back stabbers. Just because you are a slut with money and looks now, doesn't mean you won't be the single, broke, and desperate parent that is stripping for meth later. Just a thought.
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