Allow me to sidetrack for just a moment, I promise that it's relevant. I think one of the hardest things for me to do in life is tell women what kind of music I enjoy. Mostly, because I get all the bitchy comments like; "How can you listen to that?" "Does that even qualify as music?" "That hurts my ears and gives me a headache!" "I only like one direction or Justin Bieber" Barf me to death. Seriously, I could probably write a book with all the replies I get when I tell women I live and breathe for metal (scream-o for you un-educated people) When it comes up in conversation, I usually choose to avoid it. I mean, if you really want to have a good, educated debate about metal vs. country and/or radio music, bring the ruckus. Because not only have I done my homework, I spent the entirety of my high school years arguing with my mother about it. Trust me when I say, I have heard it all. And I don't have any false ideas that women should enjoy the music that I do. It comes as absolute no surprise to me. But, that doesn't mean you should get all up in my business for liking it. Forgive me for enjoying the musician-ship of guitar and bass work, and the most talented vocalists in the music industry today. Now, I don't mean to sound so cynical about it, but if you want to have a friendly conversation, and it comes up, that doesn't give you full rights to insult me for it. I would say that by no stretch of the imagination, I could relentlessly insult people for listening to radio-ready music. As far as I am concerned, if artists don't write their own music, it's not really worth listening to. They may write the lyrics, but they don't write the music involved. The music industry purposely writes songs that are easy to listen to, with cheap lyrics about heartbreak or love that you can relate to, just to sell it to people like you. They are making fortunes writing club banging chart toppers to please you people. Forgive me for the stereo type, because I realize I am far and away the minority here. I just have such a passion for this. While my music is not easy to listen to, in fact sometimes its hard to appreciate, my music is actually music. Conceptual lyrics, thought out musicianship, and pure passion behind the music itself, makes it far and away something to appreciate. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you can trash it. Because unless you are educated on the subject, I will wreck your world. In essence, let's agree to disagree. I won't force any of musical opinions on you, and you can return that favor. That much has been on my mind recently.
Returning back to my original thought, of white people and dancing. I think one of the main reasons I love metal so much, is because it is typecasted for white people who cant dance like me. You will never need to keep tempo, you never have to move your body in inhumane ways, and you are never the minority. Metal shows are about the closest thing we can get to heaven. At least for men like me. So while everyone else is enjoying their time trying to match dance moves, I will be moshing so hard, my back will hurt. And I will no longer look out of place, or spend my time trying not to look weird. The dance floor is no place for people like me. The metal pits full of sweaty kids pushing each other and enjoying music as it is intended to, now that is a place people like us can call home. So, if you are tentitively planning on any dance parties in the future, can it. Meet me in the pit. We will treat you like family. Not like a weirdo who cant keep the beat.
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