I have never really had life motto's. I have never really established boundaries, at least verbally for myself. I have always been the kind of guy that will do whatever, and learn from my mistakes. And maybe, that's a good thing. Then again, maybe it isn't. It depends on how you look at things. I think at the end of the day, as long as I actually learn from my mistakes, and don't continue making them, it has all worked out for the best. I kind of like living this way. But, for whatever reason, I have had a burning desire to have something to live by. I need something to trademark, and always say when I am in sticky situations. For the most part, I have stuck to my friends rules. And I think they are great. I will direct you to his blog, as he recently explained all of them. http://bewareofhooks10.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-articles-of-austin-ation.html
But, as for me, I needed something else to live by. In the past couple of weeks, I have been pretty bummed out. Which is pretty apparent, if you have read my poem. But, as things progress, I found myself digging myself into a deeper hole. I was letting my problems, the choices of others, and my attitude toward it all start to kill me. Not, like put a gun to my head, but I could hardly function. And for whatever reason, today I was just done being miserable. I still carry my burden, and the hurt, but I have finally ceased to let it consume me. Which, in essence, brings me to my life motto. Be Giant. I'll admit that this has alot to do with my love for Brian Wilson, Tim Lincecum, Pablo Sandoval, and other San Fransisco Giants, That isn't what I intend to portray. When I think of a giant, I think of an 8 foot tall viking, that has a huge beard, and swings an axe that is roughly the size of Shaq. He is dashingly handsome, and is so buff, that it would make even married women quiver. He knows no heartache, and never lets people under his skin. He always has a stiff upper lip, but is also one of the kindest people you will ever meet. When things go bad for him, he chalks it up to learning experience, and moves forward. He doesn't mope, pout, or scream "Woe is me!" When people take advantage of him, or treat him poorly, he doesn't get upset about it, he simply subtracts those people from his life. He is basically everything that I aspire to be. He is a made up role model that doesn't exist. When I think of being giant, I think of being like this guy. Someone who is so entirely bad ass, and someone that everyone likes. But, aside from that, when you decide to Be Giant, it means you are bigger than your problems. You are bigger than the people that hurt you, use you, and otherwise betray you. That's not to imply that you are better than anyone. Cause we are all playing the same field, and are better than no one. What it means is that you aren't going to let people smaller than you, that have vicious intentions, bring you down. Because you are a giant. People that want to bring giants down are usually people who are small. People that wish they could do the things giants do. While everyone has the capacity to be giant, not everyone chooses to do so. The small people in this world are consumed in themselves. They aren't focused on anyone else. And Giants never bring down fellow giants. That's just not in our nature. And the truth of the matter is, small people can only bring you down if you allow them to. It's just the law of physics. You are your only weakness as a giant. And only you can allow yourself to be lowered to where the hounds can chew at you. You are constantly chasing your dreams, as a giant though. And not letting evil people stand between you and where you want to be. You never stoop to peoples level who aren't as giant as you. The sky is never the limit for giants. Cause we can touch the sky. So when you feel like you couldn't get any smaller, remember to Be Giant. Because giants like us, we can't afford to be sad. We can't afford to pout. We can't afford to let things bother us. When we fall from our tower, we dust ourselves off, and make up for lost ground as soon as we can. Laying in the dirt whining about things never cured anything. I think I am more speaking to myself on this matter than anything else. But, I think we could all apply it to our lives. Be Giant.

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