I don't really consider myself a very opinionated person. I mean, I have my opinion just the same as anyone else. The difference between me, and most people, is that I tend to keep that opinion to myself. Which, is a contrary notion considering that I have this blog that is nothing but opinionated. Where I think I differentiate in that point as opposed to others, is you can choose to read this blog or not, and if you don't like it, oh well. If there is a post directly aimed in your direction, skip it over. People aren't forced to read this blog, and frankly, I don't think that most people do. Aside from a select few pledged followers.
Everyone is seemingly bent out of shape over the opinions of others, myself included. We are all consumed in what other people think of us. It affects what we wear, how we act in public, what we eat, all the way down to what music we like. Whether you choose to agree with that or not is entirely up to you. However, it is entirely true. We are all just in different spectrum's of that. I don't really so much care for my appearance, but care about how people view my personality. Where someone else might be the exact opposite. At the end of the day, if you have been through a breakup, you have let someone else (not necessarily opinion, but actions... I guess) determine your behavior. You wont listen to certain music anymore, you won't eat certain foods, and you wont participate in certain activities out of either hate for this person, or otherwise sadness. Someone else has determined something in your life.
I guess the point that I am aiming for here is, why? Why is it that we all have perfect reputations to keep? Why do we let other people determine so much of our lives? I don't really have an answer for that, or a solution. I wish that I did. I think that it would be a much nicer place to dwell if we all just did whatever the hell made us happy.
I think overall what I am getting at, is mind your own damn business. Everyone seems to be jumping up and down about this whole gay marriage thing. While I am not opposed to being involved, my question is, why? People have the odd notion that if they make enough noise, that the federal government is going to give a shit about them. Forgive me if I am being a little facetious, but they probably wont. When have they ever?
Maybe it's just me, but I have stopped caring about things that don't directly effect me in any way. If you are a gay rights activist, awesome. Still don't care. Oh, you are against gay rights? Don't care. Cause I am going to wake up tomorrow, and it is in no way going to directly effect me. So, I just don't care. I think that people are so wound up in thinking that opinions matter to more people than their direct family, and friends. And truth is, they kinda don't. Unless you are a leader of some organization like the Illuminati, people outside of that friends unit, don't really care. If you are just looking for an argument, can you do it places aside from the Internet? I mean, if you are going to fight, go to someones barn and beat the hell out of each other. Settle it like freaking real men. If you have to hide behind your computer screen, you aren't political genius, nor are you a hero of any sort. If you firmly stand by your convictions, get up and do something about it. Something that doesn't involve clogging my news feeds with arguments, and other bullshit.
I mean, maybe this is contradictory, and I am stating my opinion about you stating yours. I just have the firm belief that if you aren't going to go out and do something about it, shut up. If you are gonna do the talk, do the walk. All this, if this gets so many shares, or likes, then it will stop something, or help something else, is nonsense. That would be comparable to saying if you don't share this that you'll burn in hell for all eternity. It's a nice thought, cause there are plenty of people that I hope whole heartedly burn in hell, and there is nothing that I won't do to push that along, it's still ludicrous. Get off the computer, stop arguing your opinion against others VIA the almighty Internet, and go help build something, stand a picket line, or go make a statement in some way. Otherwise, know your role, and shut your mouth.
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