Now, I realize that the reason you are afraid of these things is due to your subconscious fear of death. You are afraid of things that have the backdrop of death. Which, makes complete sense to me. However, I think that it is almost impossible to completely oust a fear in your life. I have been scared of most of these things since I was young. Even now that I am 22 and most of these things are irrational, I can't seem to shake them.
I think my biggest one now, is public bathrooms. It's not even a fear, I just hate them. For so many different reasons. I think one of the main stems from the movie Dumb And Dumber. When he is in the bathroom and that giant man walks in for surprise sex with him. I just know with all my heart that I am going to be in there taking a leak, and someone who can overpower me sneaks up behind me, and gives me a little surprise. I could probably beat up most rapists. But I always have the fear that someone the size of Donkey Kong is waiting behind a stall door for me.
On top of that, public bathrooms are 19 times out of 20 filthy and repulsive. Not like, shit all over the walls. It's just like, full garbage's, dirty mirrors, turd salads from kids who don't flush, toilet paper (used and not) all over the floor, and the overpowering stench of urine. If you can go in a public bathroom and not line the toilet seat two or three times, my hat is off to you. Because it is going to be you that has a burning urinal tract. Do you realize how many people have sat on that seat? Me either. Because it is probably a lot! Something about sitting bare assed where strangers have sat bare assed is uncomfortable to me. Then again, I even line toilet seats at the most clean public bathrooms. The only place I don't is at home. Home is where you don't have to line the seat.
I think another thing about public bathrooms that is weird, is all the writing on the stalls. I mean, peoples phone numbers, names with hearts around them, and everything else weird in the world. How romantic is that though? You etched you and your girlfriends name into the wall of a bathroom stall. That is a love that is going to last, I just know it. I don't understand why people just write curse words on bathroom stalls, either. You look up, and there, in the poorest of handwriting, is the word "Shit." Well, yeah. I suppose it's appropriate. But, that is the most clever thing you had? Shit? Like, nothing to preface it, nothing to explain it after. Just, Shit. Genius.
I am always afraid of the worst things happening in public bathrooms too. Like, either you run out of TP, or the toilet clogs, or someone walks in on the stall, or peeks through the cracks at you, or hears your noises, or whatever. It's like, when that happens at home, it's bad. But, if it happens in public, it's shameful. I usually do all that I can do in order to avoid it. I will drive the twenty minutes home and pert near soil myself before I will succumb to a public bathroom event.
Worst of all, I have a feeling I am going to end up dying in a public bathroom. Not like, be murdered or whatever. I just know my last minutes on earth are going to be held in a public bathroom. I believe that mostly because I am not the worlds best person. And the worst case scenario of dying is going to happen to me. I am going to be in a bathroom rushing to wash my hands and get the hell out of there, and then it strikes. A heart attack. And in my panic, I clumsily throw myself into one of the stalls. The site of the unflushed toilet makes me pass out, and I fall down, and die with my mouth open on the toilet seat. Surrounded in names with hearts around them, swear words, and male genitalia scribbled on the walls. The toilet paper was out in that stall too.
Maybe a bit dramatic, but I can see it happening. Anyway, that is my rant of the day. Hope you enjoy it. Be safe; Poop at home. Smooches.
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